A Danganronpa Crossover Zine.

About the Zine
Universe U-Turn is a free digital zine that will feature Danganronpa characters crossed over in a wide variety of other fictional universes. The zine won't have ships and will be safe for work.
We want to give some spotlight to underrated artists in this zine, so please don't be discouraged from applying. Our team of mods has worked together on three Danganronpa collabs in the past and this is a spiritual successor to those community projects.
Communication with the artists will be done over a Discord server. We plan to have 60 pages of art and to put the Zine out on Gumroad and Ao3 when it is complete.
Instagram: @drcrossoverzine
Email: [email protected]

As a Team
We have collaborated to run three Danganronpa collabs, where artists would each draw a fullbody of a character, and we would stich them together into one image.
If you'd like to check them out, the insta hashtags are #drv3spacecollab, #drfanatasycollab, and #drtalentswapcollab. A lot of work went into them, and you might find some new artists!
In a way, this is pretty similar to zines, minus the PDF, selective applications, advertising, money, and shipping concerns. We wanted to broaden our horizons, so a zine was brought up as a possibility.
However, we didn't want to bite off more than we could chew, so we decided to make the zine free, which eliminated the money, shipping, and a lot of risk as a result. We hope to bring you a great zine!

ig: @lavendereel
My name's El, and I'm a tradigital artist who's been in the Danganronpa fandom for about a year now, and in fandoms in general for a decade. I'm the Agent Leader on Love Live! Amino, and am therefore fairly familiar with producing promotional material, filtering through applications (though of a different type), and people wrangling. I'm excited to bring these skills to a zine!

ig: @inkghidoriah
Hello my name is Kyle and I’m a relatively new artist. I started drawing seriously a year ago and was largely inspired by Danganronpa. When I helped run the collabs in 2020 and enjoyed getting the chance to meet talented artists in the fandom and to put together some exciting projects. This will be my first time organizing a zine, and I’m very excited to help put this together.

Q: Is this Zine safe-for-work?
A: Yes. It will be safe for work
Q: Is there an age limit for this zine?
A: Anyone 13 or older can apply, because that's the minimum age for Discord.
Q: How many artists are you looking for?
A: We are looking for a total of 60 pages, and artists may do one or two pages each. Therefore, the amount of artists we recruit could be between 30 (at a minimum) and 60 (the maximum). If we get a smaller amount of applicants, we may have less pieces.
Q: Will there be a physical zine?
A: No, this zine will be only digital.
Q: Will this zine cost any money? Do contributors get any money?
A: No, this zine will be completely free.
Q: Will this zine come with merch?
A: This zine may come with digital merch. The amount and type of merch is to be determined, as page artists will be able to opt in and do some digital merch for the zine as well.
Q: Will there be ships in this zine?
A: No, this zine will be strictly gen.
Q: Will this zine accept traditional artists?
A: Yes, provided that the artist has the ability to make a high quality scan (300 pixels/inch).
Q: Where will the zine be available for download?
A: We will put it on Gumroad, and consider putting it on ao3 (with each piece being an embedded image).
Q: May I use a preexisting AU for this zine?
A: Yes, as long as the au is made by you and you create a new piece with it for the zine, you absolutely can.
Q: Are you recruiting writers?
A: We aren’t recruiting writers specifically, but if contributors really like their AUs and want to make additional material like fics, we can compile that into a bonus pdf to be released with the zine.This would be strictly voluntary.

Feb 21 - Applications open
March 28 - Applications close
April 4 - Decision Emails Sent
April 4- May 23 - One of two check in options, depending on the artist’s choice
May 30 - Work deadline
June 13 - Pitch Hitter Deadline
July 19 - Zine release